The Judy Tiller Ministry Foundation was founded when Judy Tiller went home to be with the Lord.
Today, people all over the world are hearing the good news of Jesus because of her faithfulness.
Judy Tiller was a wonderful woman of God, who had a passion for Jesus. She lived a life of love and dedication to the Lord, ministering to the sick and needy. Judy loved her husband, Dicky, and loved supporting him by being a pastor’s wife. The two of them were volunteers with the Ramey-Estepp Foster Home and also accepted and raised numerous foreign exchange students.
Judy ministered to her community by serving as a nurse at King’s Daughters Medical Center and the Boyd County School System. She loved her profession in the medical field, and loved helping those in need. Her words and actions showed everyone around her there was something different about her.
Judy had a heart for missions. She loved supporting and praying for missionaries, and encouraged others to do so. She served when able, and led believers to do the same.
On September 29, 2017, God gently brought Judy Tiller home into His heavenly kingdom. While her passing was and is deeply mourned, her legacy birthed the Judy Tiller Ministry Foundation, which now ministers to broken people all over the earth.
Your gift to the Judy Tiller Ministry Foundation will impact lives all over the world.
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